
Quest mods fallout 4
Quest mods fallout 4

quest mods fallout 4

But as the rest of the list, they seem to just add a bit of optional quests/lore.Īs far as I can tell, a lot of these mods add more darker/evil routes. Never played either and not a whole lot reviews of them out there. Mostly curious about "Operation Wilkes Estate" and "Tales of the Commonwealth".

quest mods fallout 4

Nicks", but added them anyway as optional stuff to do down the line maybe. So installed the entire series.įew of the others also seems a bit silly like "50 Ways to Die at Dr. I usually use "Main Quest Choices Extended" to roleplay my way out of the horrible ending, so a lot of the options that Valkyrie and Depravity sounds awesome.

quest mods fallout 4

Played OaR and FCR previously when they came out, though found FCR to be a bit silly. Fallout Brotherhood: A storyteller Quest mod.Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul.Outcasts and Remnants, Fusion City Rising, Project Valkyrie and Depravity.

Quest mods fallout 4